Insoluble Varnish Removal Unit

A complete recovery and maintenance solution for mineral-oil based turbine lubricants. iVRU targets and removes the insoluble varnish which are the cause of critical machine and lost production opportunity. By removing these insoluble varnish in oil you can improve reliability of critical machine and reduce risk of lost production opportunity.
1. Total pump flow rate 70 LPM
2. Reservoir Volume Up to 15,000 litter
3. Dimensions 128 x 123 x 152 CM ( L x W x H )
4. Connections 1.25” Inlet & Outlet
5. Oil cooler unit
6. PLC Controller
iVRU Filter Information

iVRU Post filter - CC06 series element
G8 media pleat pack features our latest generation of graded density glass media that delivers required cleanliness while optimizing dirt capacity.
This is followed by a final stage ultra-high efficiency inorganic glass media for the removal of solid particles and larger insoluble oxidation by-products (soft). The result is world class ISO fluid cleanliness and the elimination of sticking valves related to varnish build-up.
iVRU Cellulose Depth media filter - C03 series element
1. Removes contaminants below 1 Micron and above
2. Maximum flow rate range below 34 lpm for each element
3. Total 3 elements max. flow rate 215 lpm
4. Removes water and particles
5. Does not remove or deplete additives